At Ivy Hawn Charter School of The Arts, we are committed to helping students unlock their potential through arts education and creativity. Our dedicated team of leaders approach student success with dedication, resilience, and compassion to ensure our students reach their full potential.
Middle School Assistant Principal
Dr. Scott Beck
504s, ESE, Behavior, and Attendance
386.228.3900 ext. 355
Elementary Assistant Principal
Ms. Alicia Pryce
Safety and Security, Curriculum, Transportation
386.228.3900 ext. 103
Dean of Instruction
Mrs. Heather de Rose
Instruction, Testing
386.228.3900 ext. 102
Our Wonderful Teachers
To view lesson plans or access the classroom site, please click on the link below the teacher's email address.
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade
Seventh Grade
Eighth Grade
ESE & Academic Support Staff
Elementary Special Area and Middle School Electives
Mrs. Wilson
Middle School Orchestra &Creative Writing
Support Staff
Guardian Juan