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Ivy Hawn Governance



Dedication. Expertise. Passion.

Meeting Notices

Monthly Board Meeting: Thursday Feb. 27th 2025 at 6pm in the theater.

Future Planning Committee Meeting: TBD

2026-2027 School Year Schedule Committee Meeting: TBD

Community Relations Committee Meeting: TBD

Teacher Recruitment and Rentention Committee Meeting: Thursday Feb. 27th at 4:30pm 


To contact Ivy Hawn Charter School of the Arts governing board members please e-mail the board members at 

Additionally, all board members can be contacted via mail at the school address: 565 South Lakeview Drive, Unit 110, Lake Helen Florida 32744

By Laws Passed on 7/21/21


Communication Policy

When contacted by members of the community, parents, staff, faculty, or administration, the board member shall encourage the individual to adhere to the following communication chain of command:

Community member ⤍ Principal or Board liaison ⤍ Principal ⤍ Board

Parent regarding their child ⤍ Child’s Teacher ⤍ Team leader ⤍ Assistant Principal ⤍ Principal ⤍ Board

Parent regarding school operations or personnel ⤍ Assistant Principal ⤍ Principal ⤍ Board

Staff ⤍ Supervisor or AP ⤍ Assistant Principal ⤍ Principal ⤍ Board

Faculty ⤍ Team leader ⤍ Faculty Liaison ⤍ Principal ⤍ Board

Administration ⤍ Principal ⤍ Board

Community/Staff/Faculty/Parent regarding Principal ⤍ Board

**The Principal should be given the opportunity to meet with the individual prior to being brought before the board.

The spirit of this policy is to allow for proper communication and due process that maintains a “leadership and collaborative culture.”  It is not the purpose of this board to become receptacles of gossip, hearsay, or public complaints. 

The board member may be permitted to respond to the individual however, they must cc the principal, AP, or board liaison (or whomever the board votes as the point of contact).  Once the response is cc’d to the principal (or designee), the aforementioned communication chain of command is thus set in motion. 

Any comment of concern relayed to a board member may not be withheld from the chain of command process.  Withholding this type of information undermines due process and elements of the Ivy Hawn Way, most specifically “kindness and respect.”     

Policy on Name Deviation Requests

Special Magistrate for Teacher Empowerment Policy

Policy on School Bathrooms, Locker Rooms, and Dressing Rooms

Internet Safety Policy

Policy on School Safety

Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes

Please Click on links below to access documents. 

Custodian for Public Records: Erica Vayko 

©2022 by Ivy Hawn Charter School of The Arts.

565 South Lakeview Drive, Unit 110

Lake Helen, FL 32744


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